Research Works - Abstract Submission

Welcome to the Research Works abstract guidelines page for ASPiH 2025! This page provides comprehensive guidance to help you prepare your abstract for submission. If your work involves research relevant to the conference themes, you’ll find everything you need here to ensure your abstract meets the required standards.

The deadline for submitting Research Works abstracts is Sunday 27th April 2025 (by midnight GMT). Once your abstract is ready, you can submit it via the button below. Please review the guidelines carefully to maximize the quality and impact of your submission. Failure to observe these guidelines may result in disqualification.

Before submitting your abstract, please take the time to review the resources that have been created to help you write an impactful abstract!

Abstract Topics

We invite abstract submissions on the following topics. If your abstract aligns with multiple topics, please choose the one that best represents your work. Selecting the most suitable topic will help ensure your submission is placed in the most appropriate session for a successful presentation.


Covers all aspects of simulation based-education involved in the design, implementation, and facilitation of experiential learning through simulation.

Includes, but is not limited to: needs assessment, curriculum/program/course/scenario development, concepts/terminology, evaluation, briefing, debriefing/feedback, faculty development, co-production, simulated people/patients, technical skills, communication/teamwork skills, IPE, human factors, psychological safety, EDI, and cultural diversity.


Covers all aspects of simulation that aims to transform health and care through collective understanding, insight and learning. 

Includes but is not limited to: quality improvement initiatives, system-based interventions, innovations, identifications (e.g latent safety threats), involving stakeholders to transform, influencing change, and including patients and publics to understand and inform. Please see for more information.


Covers all aspects of using technical innovation to enhance simulation-based activities.

Includes but is not limited to: technological developments, moulage, maintenance and sustainability, virtual and mixed reality environments, gamification, A/V, remote simulation, telehealth, and social media.

Abstract Types

Research Works
Literature ReviewOriginal ResearchIn PracticeWork in Progress
A literature review (e.g. systematic, scoping, rapid, umbrella reviews)
Original research study related to simulation in healthcare, completed with results to report
Reporting an initiative that has been developed or implemented (e.g. a program/course, a method, a strategy)
Sharing works that are still in progress; preliminary results and specific challenges can be discussed

Submission Guidelines

Abstracts describing studies/projects in any of the conference topics. This includes conceptual and empirical studies that contribute to the larger research context. These abstracts should be organised using IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) format, as follows:

  • Title: concise and informative 
  • Introduction: context and identification of the needs/hypothesis; state the research question(s).
  • Methods: description of the study design/methods used/ /program/strategy/activity/…
  • Results: presentation of the results/findings/impact/outcomes; (In case of Work in Progress: presentation/discussion of preliminary/expected results/findings/outcomes)
  • Discussion: discussion of results/findings in relation to the research question(s); brief and impactful sentence with major finding(s); (in case of Work in Progress: discussion of the expected impact of the work) 
  • References: At least one and up to three, cited in Vancouver format
  • Figure/Table: one figure/table can be included

For the full general guidelines document, click the button below. Please familiarise yourself with this prior to submitting. 

As a reminder the terms & conditions of submission are:

  • If accepted the presenting author must register to attend the conference.
  • Last date for submission is Sunday 27th April 2025 (by midnight GMT).
  • Abstracts can be submitted if they have presented previously at regional, national or international meetings, but must be declared at the time of submission. These abstracts will not be considered for the special issue of the ASPiH journal, published by the Journal of Healthcare Simulation (JoHS).
  • Authors and presenters are expected to adhere to best practice in presenting their work, ensuring that presentations are free from commercial bias and based on evidence accepted by our peers.
  • All authors of abstracts are expected to declare, at the time of submission, any potential conflict of interest relevant to the presentation being given.
  • Ideally the submitter should be the presenting author. If this is not possible the replacement presenter must be a named author on the original submission.
  • The presenting author (as indicated on the submission) will be notified of the decision of the reviewers week commencing  28th July 2025.
  • The decision of the panel is final.
  • The submitter is responsible for obtaining consent to publish the names of authors/co-authors.

Please remember: If accepted for an oral or poster presentation, the presenting author must register to attend conference.  

If you need assistance you can contact


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Seafield | Bathgate | EH47 7AQ 

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