Call For Abstracts

We are pleased to announce the opening of abstract submission for the sixteenth ASPiH Annual Conference, being held in the beautiful town of Bournemouth, England 11-13 November 2025. 

Submitting an abstract at conference is an excellent way to communicate the outcomes for your research project. Presenting will also support your personal development, showcase your skills and help grow your CV. Your abstract will be considered for oral presentation or poster display. 

Abstract Submission OpensTuesday 18 February 2025
Abstract submission Deadline
Sunday 27 April 2025
Abstract Outcomesw/c Monday 28 July 2025
Accepted Author Registration DeadlineSunday 31 August 2025

Abstract Resources

Before you start writing your abstract, ASPiH have compiled educational resources that are designed to help you create the perfect abstract. 

Please read these guidelines carefully before writing and submitting your abstract to ensure compliance with the required type and format. To assist you in  crafting an impactful research abstract, we’ve prepared an  infographic featuring 12 essential tips. Following these 12-steps will ensure the creation of a compelling abstract that meets international conference quality standards and capture the attention of your peers.

Call for Abstract - Topics 


Covers all aspects of simulation based-education involved in the design, implementation, and facilitation of experiential learning through simulation.

Includes, but is not limited to: needs assessment, curriculum/program/course/scenario development, concepts/terminology, evaluation, briefing, debriefing/feedback, faculty development, co-production, simulated people/patients, technical skills, communication/teamwork skills, IPE, human factors, psychological safety, EDI, and cultural diversity.


Covers all aspects of simulation that aims to transform health and care through collective understanding, insight and learning. 

Includes but is not limited to: quality improvement initiatives, system-based interventions, innovations, identifications (e.g latent safety threats), involving stakeholders to transform, influencing change, and including patients and publics to understand and inform. Please see for more information.


Covers all aspects of using technical innovation to enhance simulation-based activities.

Includes but is not limited to: technological developments, moulage, maintenance and sustainability, virtual and mixed reality environments, gamification, A/V, remote simulation, telehealth, and social media.

Abstract Types

Accepted abstract types are Research Works and Workshops. Research works are divided into 4 categories: Literature Review, Original Research, In Practice, and Work in Progress.

Upon submission, please, indicate the type of abstract:

Research WorksWorkshops
Literature ReviewOriginal ResearchIn PracticeWork in ProgressWorkshop
A literature review (e.g. systematic, scoping, rapid, umbrella reviews)

Reporting an initiative that has been developed or implemented (e.g. a program/course, a method, a strategy)
Sharing works that are still in progress; preliminary results and specific challenges can be discussed

Interactive workshops, where the participants should enjoy a structured and active learning experience

Submission Process

The call for papers submission process for ASPiH 2025 will be through an online submission portal, which will be available from Tuesday, 11th February. There are two online submission portals: Research Works and Workshops. Presenting authors are requested to create an account and submit an abstract for review according to the submission guidelines. Please read the information about the two types of abstracts available for submission carefully, as specific submission guidelines for each type can be found on their respective pages. Be sure to keep the email and password used to create your account for future access. Should you require any assistance or have any queries about the online submission process, please contact


  • The Presenting Author must submit the abstract and is required to be the corresponding author for that abstract.
  • You do not need to register for the conference in order to submit the abstract.
  • All abstracts must be received by the submission deadline to be included in the review – Sunday 27th April 2025
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English.

Submission Details Required

The online abstract submission is a simple step-by-step process and will ask you to input the following details:

  • Title of the abstract 
  • Presentation type – Chosen from the types of abstracts above
  • Topic - chosen from the topic list above
  • Presenting Author - Name, affiliation, and job title of presenting author (this person must be listed as the first author)
  • Co-Authors - Name, affiliation, and job title of co-author(s)
  • Supporting documentation

Additional information

  • Confirmation abstract has not been previously presented – relevant to research works.
  • Conflict of Interest and funding acknowledgements (if applicable)- Please list any conflicts of interest related to your abstract below. If there are none, please type 'no conflicts to declare'
  • Data consent agreement
  • Alternative contact for abstract
  • Publication of abstract agreement

How to Submit your Abstract

The Presenting Author will be the contact person for the abstract and must submit the abstract. Once you enter the online submission portal, start by creating an Account. Please keep a record of the account details you use to set up the account as you will require them to log into the ASPiH 2025 abstract submission system. Upon successful submission of the abstract a confirmation email will be sent to the Presenting Author.

If you have not received a confirmation email, please check that your abstract is not left in draft and is fully submitted by logging back into the portal and checking on the View/Edit Abstracts page.

Submission Guidelines

Failure to adhere to the detailed format for call for papers preparation will result in the rejection of the abstract. 

It is ESSENTIAL that you read through the guidelines before you submit. Abstracts which do not adhere to the guidelines will not be reviewed. Abstracts must be templated using the formats outlined by the ASPiH scientific committee. Please select the guidelines that are applicable to the type of abstract you would like to submit, or you can download the full submission guidelines below:


Failure to observe these guidelines may result in disqualification.


  1. All abstracts must be written in English, at the level of English academic writing.
  2. The abstract title should be short and clearly declare the content of the abstract.
  3. The word limit is 400 (excluding title and references). Abstracts exceeding the word limit or with significant grammatical errors will be returned and must be edited before resubmission.
  4. Abstracts (including the Title) must not contain information which could identify the author(s).
  5. Please ensure that all the information provided through the abstract submission portal (including author names and affiliations) is complete and accurate. We strongly suggest you invite a "critical friend" to review your abstract to advise if your submission is clear and concise, and does not contain spelling, grammatical, or scientific errors.
  6. The submitting author must certify that all co-authors have agreed for the abstract to be submitted. You will need to confirm this during the submission process.
  7. Commercial trade names cannot be mentioned in the title although can be used in the body of the text.
  8. Abbreviations may be used after defining them once.
  9. Content must be concise and coherent, and follow the format headlines for that category.
  10. Research-based abstracts must outline the research method (separate to the simulation activity) and the focus of the analysis. They must also indicate when the data was collected.
  11. Statistics including sample size and sampling method used must be supplied where appropriate.
  12. Abstracts must contain a minimum of 1 reference and a maximum of 3 references cited using the Vancouver referencing system. Number the references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Place the references, in square brackets, inside the punctuation. Provide any references in the correct box during the submission process. The names of all authors should be given, up to a total of six authors. In case of more than 6 authors, provide the first three, followed by et al. Please see resources for referencing style (e.g.
  13. For Research Works, one table or figure can be included and uploaded separately. The image must be either a JPG or GIF. It must be larger than 50x50px and between 45KB and 500KB in size. Tables are recommended to be submitted as Word files.
  14. ASPiH is committed to promoting ethically rigorous research and ethical research practice. It is assumed that those submitting an abstract have ensured that all relevant ethical standards for research conduct and dissemination have been met. The submitting author must confirm that they have the relevant ethical approval.
  15. Any abstracts presented previously at regional, national, or international meetings (or submitted/scheduled for presentation before ASPiH) may be submitted but this must be declared at the time of submission. These abstracts will not be considered for publication in the Journal Conference Supplement.
  16. The scientific committee may assign accepted submissions to an alternative topic, if considered more appropriate.
  17. Abstracts submitted as Research Works, may be considered for publication in a special issue of ASPiH affiliated journal, the International Journal of Healthcare Simulation (, provided it is not work in progress and has not been previously published or is currently submitted for publication elsewhere. If selected, authors will receive feedback and given opportunity to make the required corrections. Note: any updates/corrections will need to be done within a very short timeframe. Failure to carry out requested corrections in time will result in ineligibility for publication.

As a reminder the terms & conditions of submission are:

  • If accepted the presenting author must register to attend the conference.
  • Last date for submission is Sunday 27th April 2025.
  • Abstracts can be submitted if they have presented previously at regional, national or international meetings, but must be declared at the time of submission. These abstracts will not be considered for the special issue of the ASPiH journal, published by the Journal of Healthcare Simulation (JoHS).
  • Authors and presenters are expected to adhere to best practice in presenting their work, ensuring that presentations are free from commercial bias and based on evidence accepted by our peers.
  • All authors of abstracts are expected to declare, at the time of submission, any potential conflict of interest relevant to the presentation being given.
  • Ideally the submitter should be the presenting author. If this is not possible the replacement presenter must be a named author on the original submission.
  • The presenting author (as indicated on the submission) will be notified of the decision of the reviewers week commencing  28th July 2025.
  • The decision of the panel is final.
  • The submitter is responsible for obtaining consent to publish the names of authors/co-authors.

Please remember: If accepted for an oral or poster presentation, the presenting author must register to attend conference.  

If you need assistance you can contact


ASPiH Conference | Blackburn House | Redhouse Road
Seafield | Bathgate | EH47 7AQ 

PHONE: 01506 292 042 | EMAIL:


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