The Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare was established in 2008. In it’s 15 years as a membership association it has grown and evolved both in its activities that support its members and in its relationship with other societies and commercial partners in the wider simulation community. ASPiH conference is one of the leading simulation events in Europe, attracting professionals and students across a wide range of health and social care fields.
Why be involved?
The exhibition sold out in 2024, if you are interested in being part of 2025 don't delay! To discuss the opportunities to exhibit / sponsor please contact Michael Donaldson or call 01506690289
To follow once confirmed
SIMZINE is a free and independent SIMulation magaZINE which aims to promote the use of simulation in the training of health professionals to increase patient safety. SIMZINE started in Italy as an editorial experiment, but thanks to the enthusiasm of its readers and supporters, it has become an International zine, whose issues will fly all over the countries.
Get your printed copy at ASPiH!
ASPiH Conference | Blackburn House | Redhouse Road
Seafield | Bathgate | EH47 7AQ
PHONE: 01506 292 042 | EMAIL: