We continue to have our special partnership with the British Association of Critical Care Nurses (BACCN) and run a collaborative simulation symposium.
BACCN is a leading non-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of nursing in critical care, with over 2,000 members nationally and internationally. They provide a national voice to shape the strategy for critical care nursing, promote safe, quality evidence based nursing care to the critically ill patient and provide wide ranging benefits and opportunities to BACCN members. Find out more about the BACCN www.baccn.org
SESAM's vision is improved healthcare through simulation. Enabling safe, patient-centred care delivered by a competent and confident healthcare workforce in a well-functioning healthcare system.
SESAM's mission is to develop a sustainable inter-professional community of practice across Europe that strives to advance knowledge, improve quality, and promote the diffusion and access to healthcare simulation.
Sustainability · Community · Knowledge · Access · Quality · Policy
The Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) and Irish Association for Simulation (IAS) became affiliated in 2016. The affiliation agreement was signed by Dr. Helen Higham ASPiH President and Dr. Crina Burlacu IAS Chairperson during a special session at ASPiH Conference 2016.
The aims of this collaboration are as in the following:
Under the affiliation agreement, IAS members are entitled to a 20% discount on ASPiH membership rates. Reciprocally, ASPiH members attending the IAS annual meeting are entitled to 20% off registration fee.
An affiliation agreement between IAS and BMJ STEL was also signed in 2019. Under this agreement, IAS members receive a 50% discount off standard individual subscription.
Twitter: @IrishSimAssoc
We have a passion for debriefing that has been fostered through many years of teaching, collaboration, and research. Our journey has uncovered the power of debriefing. In our courses, we share how effective debriefing conversations can translate knowledge into practice, transform workplace culture, and build future generations of leaders within your organisation.
Visit https://thedebriefingacademy.com/ to view the courses on offer.
ASPiH members can get up to 15% discount on The Debriefing Academy content - including courses.
SimGHOSTS' mission is to support individuals and institutions using healthcare simulation technology and spaces through hands on training, online resources and professional development. Their goal is to empower their community to increase adoption and better utilise simulation technologies to improve learning and patient care outcomes.
ASPiH members are entitled to a 10% discount on membership to SimGHOSTS and vice versa. ASPiH members are entitled to a 10% discount to SimGHOSTS events.
SSH seeks to improve performance and reduce errors in patient care through the use of simulation, Established in 2004 by professionals using simulation for education, testing, and research in healthcare, SSH membership includes physicians, nurses, allied health and paramedical personnel, researchers, educators and developers from around the globe. SSH fosters the improvement and application of simulation-based modalities such as human patient simulators, virtual reality standardised patients and task trainers.
Recognising that simulation represents a paradigm shift in healthcare education, SSH promotes improvements in simulation technology, educational methods, practitioner assessment, and patient safety that promotes better patient care and can improve patient outcome.
ASPiH membership provides you with the benefit of a discounted membership to become an SSH member. Those ASPiH members who are interested in SSH certification shall be provided with the SSH member rate on CHSE, CHSE-A and CHOS exams.
SIMZINE is a free and independent SIMulation magaZINE which aims to promote the use of simulation in the training of health professionals to increase patient safety. SIMZINE started in Italy as an editorial experiment, but thanks to the enthusiasm of its readers and supporters, it has become an International zine, whose issues will fly all over the countries.
Get your printed copy at ASPiH!
HealthySimulation.com is the world's leading healthcare simulation resource website with the latest news, job listings, product demos, research highlights, conference coverage and more!
ASPiH Conference | Blackburn House | Redhouse Road
Seafield | Bathgate | EH47 7AQ
PHONE: 01506 292 042 | EMAIL: events@aspih.org.uk