
The 2024 Lowbury Lecture will be delivered during FIS/HIS 2024 by Dr. Ling Moi Lin - Director of Infection Control at the Singapore General Hospital.

Read the HIS news story about this year's Lowbury Lecturer here.


Just some of the other speakers confirmed for FIS / HIS International 2024

Vanesa Anton, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Richard Barton, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, UK
Lisa Berry,  University Hospitals Coventry and Warwick, UK
Julia Anna Bielicki, St George’s, University of London, UK
Andrew Borman, UK National Mycology Reference Laboratory Bristol, UK
Michael Bromley, University of Manchester, UK
Emma Carter, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
Elisabetta Caselli, University of Ferrara, Italy
Carmel Curtis, 
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Alicia Demirjian, UK Health Security Agency, UK
Kirsty Dodgson, Manchester Foundation Trust, UK
Gehan Fahmy Ain, Shams University, Egypt
Helen Fifer, UK Health Security Agency, UK
Tom Fletcher, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK
Andres Floto, Royal Papworth Hospital, UK
Christine Goffinet, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
Ewan Harrison, Welcome Sanger Institute, UK
Jasmin Islam, UKHSA, UK
Marion Koopmans, Erasmus MC,  Netherlands 
Beatriz Larru, Alderhey Children’s Hospital, UK
Thierry Lavigne, University Hospitals of Strasbourg, France 
Dora Edith Corzo, Leon MRC Centre for Medical Mycology at University of Exeter, UK
Marc Lipman, UCL, UK
Liz McKechnie, Leeds Centre for New-Born Care, UK
Mary O'Riordan, HaPPE Earth, Ireland
Ashley Otter, UKHSA, RIPL,  UK
Sanjay Patel, Southampton Children's Hospital, UK
Gordon Ramage, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Esther Robinson, TARZET, Clinical and Public Health Group, UK
Raman Sardana, Apollo Hospitals, Delhi
John Saunders, UK Health Security Agency, UK
Kavita Sethi, Leeds Teaching Hospitals, UK
Mike Simmons, Public Health Wales Microbiology, UK
Suneeta Soni, UK Health Security Agency, UK
Graham Stafford University of Sheffield, UK 
Martin Welch Cambridge University, UK
Deborah Williamson UKHSA, UK