Ela Barr
Clinical Psychologist, Certified Hypnosis Instructor
President, Israeli Society of Hypnosis
Head of Hypnosis Field, Technion Faculty of Medicine
Past Vice President, Israeli Society of Hypnosis
Past Ethics Committee Member, Israeli Society of Hypnosis
Professional Practice: Extensive public and private practice in the Netherlands and Israel, including roles in Oncology Department, Intercultural Psychiatry Department, Mood Disorder Department and General and Research Department.
Licensed Hypnosis Educator: Teaching physicians and psychologists at Technion's Advanced Medical School.
Guest Lecturer at national and international conferences
Education: Graduated cum laude, Clinical and Health Psychology, Leiden University, Netherlands.
Licensed Hypnotist
Licensed Trainer of Hypnosis
Past Board Member of the Israeli Society of Hypnosis (IsSH)
Trained in EMDR, Biofeedback, CBT, Lacanian theory, Mindfulness, Psychedelic Psychotherapy, working with adults and adolescents dealing with different issues including trauma, personality disorders, anxiety, depression and psychosis.
Fluent in Arabic, Hebrew and English.
Wasim Biroumi
Dr Gabor Filo
He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Hypnosis in Dentistry, a Life Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and an Honorary member of the Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis – Ontario Division and the Hungarian Association of Hypnosis.
He has belonged to the major hypnosis societies, participating organizationally and as faculty, both nationally and internationally. He has authored articles, chapters and a DVD on Rapid Hypnosis. His private practice emphasizes the non-pharmacological treatment of dental anxiety and phobia. To that end Dr. Filo has been a 20+ year user of all tissue dental laser. He advocates for dental laser use and has lectured on their use.
Rector of the Kyiv Medical University
Professor of the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Physical Rehabilitation
Academician of the National Academy of Higher Educational Sciences of Ukraine
Member of the ESH (Ukrainian Representative) and ISH
Vice President of the Ukrainian Association of Psychiatrists and Psychoanalysts
Head of the Ukrainian Society of Hypnosis
Dr Borys Ivnyev
Dr Kathleen Long
ESH 2026 Congress Lead/Organiser
Immediate Past President ESH
Editor ESH Newsletter
President Hypnosis without Borders
Past President BSMDH
Secretary BSMDH
Honorary Chairperson BSMDH
Trainer for BSMDH Course
Medical Doctor Generalist
I have been involved in teaching and training for BSMDH for many years now. I have lectured in many countries and at European and International congresses.
Director, Istituto Italiano di Psicoterapia Relazionale, Rome
Founder and President, Italian Society of Psychotherapy (SIPSIC)
President, Italian Society of Hypnosis (SII)
Since 1998, Board of Directors of the Milton Erickson Foundation
Professor of Psychiatry “Sapienza” University of Rome
Past-President, International Society of Hypnosis (ISH),
Past-President European Society of Hypnosis (ESH)
Since 2020 Founder and Director of the Silent Emotions Center for Eating Disorders Diagnosis and Treatment, in Rome
The Milton H. Erickson Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding contribution to the field of Psychotherapy, Milton H. Erickson Foundation (2001).
ESH Fellowship, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the European Society of Hypnosis (2011)
Benjamin Franklin Award (Gold Medal), the highest ISH honor, with the following motivation: Prolific author, creative therapist distinguished leader. by the International Society of Hypnosis (2012).
Shirley R. Schneck Award for the Significant Contributions to the Development of Medical Hypnosis, by Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH) (2012).
ESH with Honorary Membership by the Europeann Society of Hypnosis, for an outstanding contribute to the field of Hypnosis (2014).
Authored over 440 scientific papers and 34 books, and among them:
Loriedo,C., Vella,G., Paradox and the Family System, Brunner\Mazel, New York, 1992
Loriedo,C., Peter,B. (Eds.), The New Hypnosis: the utilization of personal resources in Ericksonian practice and training, Hypnosis International Monographs, Munich, 2002.
Loriedo,C., Zeig,J.K., Nardone,G, Tranceforming. Ericksonian Metods, Milton Erickson Foundation Press, Phoenix, 2010
Dr Camillo Loriedo
Peter Naish
Hypnosis has formed a major part of his studies, with a large number of hypnosis-related publications.
He has held posts in several public bodies, including the ESH, the British Association for the Advancement of Science and the Royal Society of Medicine.
ESH Certificate (ESHC) holder
Certified Hypnotherapist
Hypnosis Instructor
Trainer and Supervisor
Certified Acupuncturist
Certified Positive Psychotherapist
Family Consultant
ESH Treasurer and ESH BOD Member
The Founder Member and the current President of Society of Medical Hypnosis (THD), Turkiye
Member of ISH
His specialty is Awareness Under Conscious Hypnosis (AUCH) Method
Besides his studies in numerous Universities, he has his private practice with applications of AUCH for pain management, surgery, obstetrics, hypnoanestesia, psychosomatic medicine, positive psychotherapy, family therapy, hypnoacupuncture etc.
Dr. Ali Özden Öztürk
Dr Bogdan Pavlovici
Child Psychiatrist and Therapist
University Department of Child Psychiatry
Hospital of Versailles, France, since 2003 (and other hospitals between 1998 and 2003)
Judicial Expert in Adult and Child Psychiatry at the Court of Appeal in Versailles, since 2021/1/1
University Lecturer within the framework of the University Diploma in Legal Expertise in Child Psychiatry and Psychology, since 2020, directed by Professor Maurice Berger, University René Descartes, Paris.
Diplomas - Doctorate in medicine, the 1998/4/1 Specialised Diploma in psychiatry, the 1998/4/30 Specialised Diploma in child psychiatry, the 1999/10/28 University Diploma in psychopharmacology, 1996/09/11 University Diploma in « adolescence, medical, psychological and social aspects, the 1997/11/25 University Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis, the 2009/06/12 Inter-University Diploma in Legal Psychiatry, July 2019 Master in medical and biologic sciences (genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology), the 1996/5/2
Other certificates - Certificate of training in familial therapy, delivered by IDES (Institut d’Etudes Systémiques, PARIS), the 2021/10/4 Psychotherapist, June 2010 Certificate of training in HTSMA (hypnosis and brief therapies by alternative movements), June 2010 Certificate of training in therapeutic hypnosis, June 2013
Private practice - Child and adult psychiatrist, between 2007/12/1 and 2010/10/31, in Chesnay-City (near Versailles)
Known speaker and attended multiple conferences.
Publications - Books : B. PAVLOVICI : « the levers of change : a therapist briefly on stage », published the 21 August 2019 by Enrick Barbillon Editions, Paris. A. BIOY, B. PAVLOVICI et Co : « 15 clinical cases in pediatric hypnosis », DUNOD Editions, September 2020, Paris B. PAVLOVICI : « The written frisbee : the art of performing care at a distance », November 2020, Enrick Barbillon Editions, Paris.
Articles : B. PAVLOVICI, H. DONNADIEU : « Study of the fate of 19 cases of mental anorexia », Revue Française de Psychiatrie et de Psychologie médicale, n° 33, déc.1999, p. 27-32. B. PAVLOVICI : « The village of adoptees : a construction on two on the edge of the abyss », revue « Imaginaire et 4 Inconscient », Editions « l’esprit du temps », 2009, n° 24, p. 151-164. B. PAVLOVICI, L. KOKH : « children’s homes and narratif ways of helping », ERES Editions, revue « enfance et psy », 2018/1 N° 77, pages 151-162. B. PAVLOVICI: « a firefighter saving virtual addictions », revue “Brain”, 2021 B. PAVLOVICI: « Dad, Mom, the psychiatrist and me: understanding the transgenerational way of treatment », revue « Hypnose et thérapies brèves », Le Germe SATAS Editions, 2021, n° 60, p. 10-18. B PAVLOVICI : « the written frisbee or how talking care at distance », revue de l’hypnose et de la santé, DUNOD, n° 18, January 2022 B. PAVLOVICI : « the written Frisbee », revue “Brain”, 2024 B. PAVLOVICI : « The contribution of systemic modelling and of early maladaptive schema in psychiatric expertise », revue “Brain”, 2024
Expert in Clinical Hypnosis
Trainer and Supervisor
Past President of the ESH (European Society of
Hypnosis) and of the VHYP (Flemish Scientific Hypnosis Society).
Elected as Board of Directors member of ISH in 2015.
Works in a private practice in Antwerp (Belgium)
for more than 30 years.
She gave many keynotes, lectures, and workshops for
Constitutional Hypnosis Societies of ESH and ISH in Europe, Canada, USA, China,
Iran and Australia.
She published papers on hypnosis for stress control,
burnout, and happiness.
In 2019, she received the Shirley Schneck Award from the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis in recognition of her significant contributions to the development of medical hypnosis.
In 2023, she received The Roll of Honour Award for being instrumental in building up a Constituent Society and therefore the ESH.
She is the author of a basic handbook “Klinische Hypnose” Exploratie en Inspiratie. RUYSSCHAERT Nicole Klinische Hypnose - Exploratie en inspiratie (satas.com) and “Zelfhypnose Werkt. Een veerkrachtig Antwoord op stress, burn-out en trauma” Zelfhypnose werkt | Uitgeverij Lannoo. And of “Hoe helpende zorgtaal werkt. Omgaan bij angst, pijn en stress bij patiënten. Hoe helpende zorgtaal werkt | Uitgeverij LannooCampus
Dr Christian Straus
PhD (Respiratory Physiology)
of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine, Sorbonne University, Paris,
Director of the Joint Research Unit of Inserm and Sorbonne University,
UMRS 1158 (Dir: Pr T. Similowski), "Experimental and Clinical
Respiratory Neurophysiology"
of the Pulmonary Function Laboratory, Pitié-Salpêtrière and Tenon
Hospitals, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France
of the Medical Hypnosis Teaching Unit for medical students at Sorbonne
University, Paris, France
of the management committee of the French-speaking Confederation of
Hypnosis and Brief Therapies
Hypnosis teacher for physicians in the frame of the University Diploma in Medical Hypnosis at Sorbonne University, Paris, France (Dir: Dr. J-M. Benhaiem)
Trenkle, Dipl.Psych., Dipl.Wi.-Ing.;
Past-President International Society of Hypnosis ISH
of Milton Erickson Foundation Phoenix since 1999
Milton Erickson Institute Rottweil Germany.
President of Milton Erickson Gesellschaft M.E.G. (1996-2003).
Lifetime Achievement Award of the Milton Erickson Foundation.
Milton Erickson Award M.E.G.
Pierre Janet Award for Clinical Excellence ISH (International Society of
2016 Nezindlovu Award Milton Erickson Institute South
Africa MEISA for advancing hypnosis on the African Continent.
2017 Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese Hypnosis Association
2018 John and Helen Watkins Award ISH Excellence in teaching
2022 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Gold (highest honor in
Handbook of
Psychotherapy a bestselling joke book in Germany ( translated in English,
Russian, Italian). Author or editor of more than 10 German language
books. Editor of the German Editions of Collected Papers of Milton Erickson
Bernhard Trenkle