Level 2 - Route 2 – Course-based 

1. The applicant has attended a classroom-based course that meets all of the following criteria:

a. The course must have been attended no more than 24 months prior to the date of application. Applicants applying more than a year after attending the course must meet additional requirements (see 3, below).

b. The course must be supervised by a faculty lead (and, ideally, all trainers) accredited to at least BSCI/BSCCT Level 2 Clinical Practitioner standard (SCCT or EACVI Level 2 or 3 accredited cardiovascular CT practitioners are also eligible. At the discretion of the Accreditation Committee, Level 2 practitioners accredited by other societies may also be considered eligible).

BSCI/BSCCT ‘Level 2 Initial’ accredited practitioners do not meet this criterion.

c. During the course, applicants must examine 150 contrast-enhanced cardiac CT studies.

d. These studies must cover the case-mix defined in the Verification of Hands-On Cardiac CT Practice (see ‘Hospital-based Training’, above). A logbook of all cases examined should be included with the application.

e. A course attendance certificate may be submitted and must confirm:

i. Interpretation of a minimum of 150 contrast-enhanced cardiac CT studies.
ii. The case-mix requirements for Level 2 Initial Accreditation have been met.
iii. The number of approved Category 1 CPD points for the course
iv. The accreditation level of the Faculty lead/Course Organiser.

f. Information in (e) not included on the course attendance certificate should be highlighted from other course documentation or be requested in writing from the course organiser.
g. Applications that do not include all of the required information will be suspended and returned to the applicant for clarification and resubmission.

2. Supplementary to the 150 classroom-based cases, and reflecting the non-clinical learning environment of a classroom-based course, is the requirement for evidence of involvement in the scanning and report production of an additional 25 hospital/clinic-based cases.

a. The applicant should provide dated, anonymised but otherwise complete reports for all 25 cases. Reports may be co-signed by no more than one supervising Cardiologist and/or Radiologist and must include information on dose (DLP) and scan technique.

b. Cases must have been performed in the interval between course completion and accreditation application and must have been supervised by cardiac CT practitioners formally accredited to at least BSCI/BSCCT Level 2 standard*.

c. The reports should be accompanied by a covering letter from a practitioner formally accredited to at least BSCI/BSCCT Level 2 standard*. confirming that the supervision requirement in (b) has been met for each of the 25 cases.

d. Applications that do not include all of the required information will be suspended and returned to the applicant for clarification and resubmission.

3. Applicants applying more than one year after completion of a classroom-based course must submit a logbook of an additional 100 hospital/clinic-based cases.

a. The applicant should provide an anonymised and dated summary logbook of all 100 cases.

b. The applicant should provide dated, anonymised but otherwise complete reports for 25 of the 100 cases. Reports may be co-signed by no more than one supervising Cardiologist and/or Radiologist and must include information on dose (DLP) and scan technique.

c. Cases must have been performed in the interval between course completion and accreditation application and, by definition, cannot be more than 24 months old at the time of accreditation application submission. It is therefore highly advisable to apply for accreditation within 12 months of the date of a classroom-based training certificate.

d. The additional 100 cases must have been supervised by a practitioner formally accredited at least BSCI/BSCCT Level 2 standard*.

e. The reports should be accompanied by a covering letter from a practitioner formally accredited to at least BSCI/BSCCT Level 2 standard*. confirming that the supervision requirement in (d) has been met for each of the 100 cases.

f. Applications that do not include all of the required information will be suspended and returned to the applicant for clarification and resubmission.

4. Courses completed more than two years before the date of application for accreditation will not count towards the accreditation requirement. Applicants wishing to apply for accreditation either should have accrued enough cardiac CT cases in clinical practice to apply via the Hospital based route or will need to attend another course to top up training. 

5. A letter verifying status as a Consultant or Specialist Registrar from the Head of Department, Human Resources, Medical director, etc. is required to be submitted with your application.

 6. Evidence of 16 hours Continuing Professional Development must be submitted. This must demonstrably fulfil the requirements outlined below:

The applicant must provide evidence of 16 hours of CPD in cardiovascular CT that includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Image optimization, radiation dose reduction, and advanced post-processing.
  2. Functional assessment with cardiac CT and correlation with other modalities.
  3. Bypass graft anatomy and assessment.
  4. Coronary artery stent assessment.
  5. Assessment of valvular heart disease including TAVI planning.
  6. Role of CT in patients with heart failure.
  7. Role of CT in pericardial diseases and cardiac masses.
  8. The role of CT in evaluation of congenital heart disease.
  9. Assessment of non-cardiac pathologies on a cardiac CT scan, particularly lung pathology.

Applicants should note the following points:

  • If a Level 2 course certificate is submitted as evidence of relevant cardiovascular CT CPD, the certificate should confirm specifically that the content areas above has been covered. A course programme indicating the lecture content will also suffice.
  • All CPD must be pertinent to cardiovascular CT, demonstrably apply to the content areas above and be supported by formal certificates stating the number of CPD hours granted for the activity.
  • If the submitted CPD certificates relate to general or multi-stream meetings, the onus is on the applicant to detail the lectures and modules attended relevant to this application. The applicant will then be credited an appropriate proportion of the CPD value of the meeting certificate.
  • If this detail is not provided and/or, in the view of the Accreditation Committee, the claimed CPD has unclear relevance to cardiac CT accreditation, no credit will be allocated. If the CPD requirement is not met as a result, forms will be returned to the applicant for clarification and resubmission. The application will be suspended in the meantime.

7.  An application fee must be paid before the application will be considered. A link to pay by credit card will appear once your application has been submitted. Fees are as follows:

Level 2 Initial

  • BSCI member £175
  • Non member £250
  • Applications will be processed within 8 weeks 

Level 2 Initial Fast Track

  • BSCI member £275
  • Non member £350
  • Applications will be processed within 2 weeks 

*Including BSCI/BSCCT Level 2 Initial. The BSCI/BSCCT recognises the accreditation programmes of both the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) and European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI). At the discretion of the Accreditation Committee, practitioners accredited by other societies may also be considered eligible.

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