Level 3 

Background and Eligibility

This application is for those looking to accredit as a Level 3 Clinical Practitioner in Cardiac CT. Applicants will typically (i) have Level 2 BSCI/BSCCT accreditation; (ii) be practicing clinical cardiac CT routinely; and (iii) be approaching the end of their accreditation period. 


  1. Clinical Practitioner accreditation is designed for cardiac CT practitioners showing an ongoing commitment to clinical cardiac CT delivery. As such, cases must be accrued in clinical practice; those obtained on Training Courses are not eligible towards the case requirement.  

  2. Occasionally, experienced practitioners may not have applied for accreditation previously and wish to apply for Level 3 accreditation directly. Such applicants may still apply using this form but should note the additional mandatory requirements outlined below. 

  3. The onus is on the applicant to demonstrate clearly that they have reached the required standard. Applications that are unclear or do not include all of the required information will be suspended and returned to the applicant for clarification and resubmission. 

Cardiovascular CT clinical activity and CPD requirements

The minimum level of clinical activity that you will be able to demonstrate is 300 cases over the past three years (most will have undertaken considerably more than this). Case experience derived from Training Courses cannot be used to count towards this requirement. You will also have been undertaking relevant CPD and will be able to demonstrate at least 20 hours of Category 1 CPD pertinent to cardiovascular CT over this period. 

Applications are not encouraged before 3 years have elapsed since Level 2 accreditation. However, such applications may be considered where individuals have accumulated the minimum requirements and wish to expedite the process. There will be no reduction in application fee for applications made less than 3 years since Level 2 accreditation. 

  1. Clinical Cases
  • 300 contrast-enhanced cardiac CT acquisitions are required, all of which the applicant must personally supervise (including patient preparation, scan planning, scan acquisition and scan reconstruction), post-process and report. 
  • You must complete the Verification of Hands on Practice form, which takes the place of an exhaustive logbook of cases. If desired, a departmental letter using the same form of words may be submitted instead. The form (or letter) must be signed by a practitioner accredited to BSCI/BSCCT Level 2 Clinical Practitioner or Level 3 standard
    • BSCI/BSCCT Level 2 Initial accredited practitioners are not eligible to sign this form.
    • The BSCI recognises the accreditation programmes of both the Society of CardiovascularComputed Tomography (SCCT) and European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging(EACVI). Level 2 or 3 accredited cardiovascular CT practitioners from these societies may sign this form. At the discretion of the Accreditation Committee, practitioners accredited by other societies may also be considered eligible.
  • You must provide a logbook of 25 dated, anonymised but otherwise complete cardiovascular CT reports. No patient-identifiable information should be included on these reports.

     2. 20 hours of Category 1 CPD within 36 months of application

  • All CPD must be pertinent to cardiovascular CT and supported by formal certificates stating the number of CPD hours granted for the activity.
  • If the submitted CPD certificates relate to general or multi-stream meetings, the onus is on the applicant to detail the lectures and modules attended relevant to this application. The applicant will then be credited an appropriate proportion of the CPD value of the meeting certificate.
  • If this detail is not provided and/or, in the view of the Accreditation Committee, the claimed CPD has unclear relevance to cardiac CT accreditation, no credit will be allocated. If the CPD requirement is not met as a result, forms will be returned to the applicant for clarification and resubmission. The application will be suspended in the meantime.

Demonstration of research, teaching and/or leadership activity

You must fulfill at least one of the categories below:

1. Research activity: (you must satisfy at least one of the following criteria)

  • You have co-authored 3 original articles specifically related to cardiovascular CT (original research, reviews or editorial pieces; must be searchable in PubMed).
  • You have completed a higher degree related to cardiovascular CT in the past three years.

2. Teaching and training: (you must satisfy at least two of the following criteria)

  • You practise at a training centre and are routinely delivering in-house training in cardiac CT.
  • You are teaching on Level 2 (or equivalent) Cardiac CT classroom courses, and have done so at least annually since the time of your last accreditation.
  • You are teaching at least annually on Cardiac CT at regional, national or international meetings
    (NB. local departmental talks do not qualify).

3. Leadership in Cardiovascular CT

  • You are a Committee member in a national or international cardiovascular CT society, as evidenced by a confirmatory letter from the current society President.

Give full details of how the above apply to you in a simple document:

  • Provide a short statement supporting your application for the category/categories of your choice.
  • For teaching and training you must also provide documentary evidence in the form of meeting programs, invitation letters, delegate feedback, trainee feedback, etc.
  • Where the activity is undertaken in-house, you must provide details of the number and variety of trainees, frequency and duration of attachments and evidence of outcome, (for example, by providing evidence of individuals becoming accredited in cardiac CT).
  • In the case of an application for recognition of academic distinction, please provide a list of all relevant publications, in standard format, with a short statement summarizing the relevance of each publication. In general, case reports are not sufficient to meet the requirements for Level 3 accreditation.
  • All applications are independently reviewed by two committee members. The chair of the accreditation committee will arbitrate when necessary and the decision of the BSCI/BSCCT accreditation committee is final. 

Applicants applying directly for Level 3 Clinical Practitioner accreditation

Applicants without BSCI Level 2 accreditation wishing to apply directly for Level 3 Clinical Practitioner Accreditation must still demonstrate that they have received the same core training by completing this section.

Details of Cardiac CT training must be provided with the application, along with dates of training. 

Two methods are available to evidence core cardiovascular CT training:

  1. Completion of the Verification of core cardiovascular CT training form by a practitioner accredited to BSCI/BSCCT Level 2 Clinical Practitioner or Level 3 standard. The form must be completed fully (including membership number of the accrediting body) to be valid. Please click here to download. 
    • BSCI Level 2 Initial accredited practitioners are not eligible to sign this form.
    • The BSCI recognises the accreditation programmes of both the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) and European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI). Level 2 or Level 3 accredited cardiovascular CT practitioners from these societies may sign this form. At the discretion of the Accreditation Committee, practitioners accredited to at least Level 2 standard by other societies may also be considered eligible.

  2. Provision of CPD certificates for lectures, online training and/or courses that demonstrably cover: 
    • Image optimization, radiation dose reduction, and advanced post-processing.
    • Functional assessment with cardiac CT and correlation with other modalities.
    • Bypass graft anatomy and assessment.
    • Coronary artery stent assessment.
    • Assessment of valvular heart disease including TAVI planning.
    • Role of CT in patients with heart failure.
    • Role of CT in pericardial diseases and cardiac masses.
    • The role of CT in evaluation of congenital heart disease.
    • Assessment of non-cardiac (esp lung) pathology included in the wider field of view.

A total of at least 16 hours of CPD must be provided; these may also be used to count towards the general 20-hour CPD requirement for Level 3 Clinical Practitioner Accreditation. 

Applicants accredited by other societies

Applicants with existing Level 2 cardiovascular CT accreditation with either the SCCT or EACVI should include their Accreditation certificates with their application. At the discretion of the Accreditation Committee, practitioners accredited in cardiovascular CT to at least Level 2 standard by other societies may also be considered eligible. In this circumstance, the applicant should provide full details and eligibility criteria of the accrediting body. Applicants must still complete all other relevant sections of the on-line application.


An application fee must be paid before the application will be considered. A link to pay by credit card will appear once your application has been submitted. Fees are as follows:

Level 3

  • BSCI member £175
  • Non members £250 
  • Applications will be processed within 8 weeks 

Level 3 Fast Track

  • BSCI member £275
  • Non member £350
  • Applications will be processed within 2 weeks

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