What is this conference about?
The theme of this online conference is ‘Ageing well with stroke in the era of COVID-19’.  At a time where people affected by stroke have been experiencing unprecedented changes in their care and rehabilitation, this conference aims to create an opportunity to share insights acquired during the pandemic and disseminate research findings and service innovation to facilitate recovery and healthy ageing after stroke.  

There will be three symposia, which will explore:
1. The individual experience of stroke care and rehabilitation during the pandemic; the impact of physical deconditioning and social isolation - especially for older people - and recommendations for clinical practice
2. Service models and innovation during the pandemic: a model of rehabilitation nursing; innovation in goal setting and action planning, communication strategies, physiotherapy, and bladder rehabilitation
3. Programme for Government: the Scottish Government’s vision for a progressive stroke rehabilitation service.

In addition, the programme will comprise:
• Rapid showcase of research and innovation in service development, rehabilitation technology and education.  Abstracts for this showcase are invited, please see below.
• Company symposia by conference sponsors
• Exhibitions.

Download full programme here