Call for abstracts - share your exciting projects!

The organising committee for the IPS IV Conference would like you to submit an abstract of a project you or your team have undertaken, whether that is to:

·         reduce infection

·         reduce complications of IV therapy

·         expansion of your team/roles and responsibilities

·          education

·         patient involvement

·         or indeed anything around vascular access improvement.

The two successful abstracts chosen will be asked to present a 15-minute oral presentation. Unfortunately, we have no provision for poster displays at the conference.

This is an opportunity to share your work, however large or small, with the wider community.  It does not have to be a large scale, rigorous study, just what many of us are doing day to day to improve care, in a safe environment of practitioners who are also looking for new novel ways to improve.

The organisers will be able to help with the preparation, please do ask for assistance.

Abstracts will be assessed for acceptability against the following criteria:

1.       Related to own original work

2.       If the work has been presented or submitted for publication this should be made clear in the submission.

3.       It is the authors responsibility to ensure all permissions/approval has been granted to present the data, ethical approval and use of images.

4.       If the author is representing a commercial organization this should be made clear in the submission.

Abstract Guidelines:

-          300 - 500 words


-          An introductory paragraph on the background/purpose of your topic

-          A body which illustrates the teaching point of your work

-          A comprehensive summary or conclusion of the abstract


Submission Process: 

Please email your completed submission as an attachment (word or pdf format) 

to jade.lawson@fitwise.co.uk by 9 October 2024 (23:59 BST).

Decision Process:

The abstracts will be considered by the management group of the IPS IV Forum. Any conflicts of interest will be declared and will not be able to vote on the abstract identified.

The two successful abstract authors will be notified via email on or around 23 October 2024 to be able to prepare their 15 minute PowerPoint presentation.

Should you require any help with your submission, please contact Jade Lawson - 
