
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: JOHN SWEENEY, Maynooth University, Irl 

Some of the other speakers: 

Jill Bullen, Natural Resources Wales, UK
Rónadh Cox, Williams College, USA
Cathy Daly, University of Lincoln, UK
David Dodd, Climate Action Regional Office, Irl
Hannah Fluck, Historic England, UK
Ewan Hyslop, Historic Environment Scotland, UK

PRIF SIARADWR: JOHN SWEENEY, Prifysgol Maynooth, Iwerddon 

Cadarnhaodd rhai o'r siaradwyr eraill eisoes:

Jill Bullen, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, y DU
Rónadh Cox, Coleg Williams, UDA
Cathy Daly, Prifysgol Lincoln, y DU
David Dodd, Swyddfa Ranbarthol Gweithredu ynghylch yr Hinsawdd, Iwerddon
Hannah Fluck, Historic England, y DU
Ewan Hyslop, Historic Environment Scotland, y DU

Please note that presentations will be available as catch up TV until 12 August 2021.

Sylwch y bydd yr holl gyflwyniadau ar gael fel teledu dal i fyny tan 12 Awst 2021.