Abstract Portal Sign In
Thank you for your interest in presenting at this event. The contribution of presenters is critical and we value your input greatly.
What information do I need before I start?
Although you can save as a draft and edit your work until the closing date, once you submit no further changes can be made.
- Abstract title
- Presentation type (poster and/or oral)
- Topic category (if applicable)
- Details of author and co-authors
- Decision on who will be presenting author
- Main body of abstract (please use appropriate headings e.g. objectives, methods, results, discussion, conclusions)
- Conflicts of interest if applicable
Key information
Final date for submissions: 31st March 2024
Outcomes communicated: w/c 3rd May 2024
Abstract title word limit: 12 words
Abstract content word limit: 250 words
Please click 'Create New Account' below.
If you are advised that 'A user with the given account email address already exists' you may have previously submitted an abstract for an event managed by Fitwise Management Ltd. Please enter your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password please email events@fitwise.co.uk.
If you have any questions regarding your submission please contact:
BSPD Events Team
Fitwise Management
Tel.: + 44 (0)1506 292 042
Email: events@fitwise.co.uk